Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Art of Healing

The Art of Healing

        Acupunctures not only strengthen your lungs, but they allow you to heal at a faster pace. I had a football game every Friday night. And regardless who we were playing I went home with bruises and cuts. And of course I woke up sore the next morning. So instead of going once a month I changed my appointments to once a week, more specifically every Saturday morning. This worked out perfectly.
        Another benefit that I personally took from it was the diet plan. Along with being healed faster, the Acupuncture center thought it would be in my best interest to put on a few pounds. I guess I was a little undersized when it came to the average size of my opponents. So every other visit, they would apply a needle to a specific spot on my stomach that would enhance my appetite. They knew hundreds and hundreds of places on your body that would either take your appetite away or increase it. They knew points that would run your cold off in a matter of hours(if you were lucky).
        Getting acupunctures, in my eyes, doesn’t have any downsides. Regardless of what you go in for you are going to walk out feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. They even offer herbs in pill form that you can take with meal. Although it may not seem like it, those tiny little herbs are working hard to better your immune system. I wish I could offer a trial in which you get a free 3 visits, but that’s out of my jurisdiction. So I guess I will have to rely on my words. I hope that one day you choose to make an appointment. And hey, if you don’t like it at least you can walk away and have the power to say that you went and had 30 needles plucked into your body.
        I decided to take a trip to the acupuncturist when I was having problems with asthma during football practice. One afternoon during football practice I had an asthma attack, it just so happens that one of my coaches’ wives was an acupuncturist. So he took my pads off and applied pressure to two pressure points on the back of my neck. And, suddenly like magic, my lungs opened up. He then suggested I go see his wife.

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